Life can be unpredictable. There are certain events, momentous ones, which, you can’t avoid or prevent. But you can be prepared for whatever life brings your way, and Wise Company is here to help you face those challenges head on. Wise Company specializes in long-term food storage and dehydrated food—Wise offers healthy, real food that’s prepared in only a matter of minutes by adding a little water.
Best Movies About Survival

There have been many great movies made about survival over the last few decades. The best ones take place in the wilderness where people are stranded and have to figure out a way to make it back to civilization. Sometimes these movies take place in snowy or forest environments while others take place on remote islands. But regardless of what the circumstances are for the characters, they each have to rely on their own survival skills in order to make it out alive. They don’t have any cell phones, stores, or people they can depend on except themselves. We’ve seen this kind of bravery in the movies “The Edge,” “The Grey,” and “Alive.”
The Edge was a movie about three men in a small plane who crash in the Alaskan wilderness and have to survive. One of the men happened to be knowledgeable in basic survival skills which gave him the ability to create spears and fight off a vicious bear. The Grey had a similar story where a plane crashes in the Alaskan wilderness, but only this time the survivors had to fight off wolves in the wild. Unfortunately, this movie does not end on a positive note. But it at least makes you aware of the dangers of the wild when you are unprepared for it. As for the movie Alive, this was based on a true story about how a Uruguay rugby team got stranded in the Andes Mountains after their plane crashed there. The only way they could survive was to resort to cannibalism.
There have been so many movies made about people or individuals trapped on remote islands. Some of the best ones include “Castaway,” “The Blue Lagoon,” and “Six Days, Seven Nights.” These movies do have their differences but the one thing they prove is that the best way to survive on an island is to camp at the beach. After all, if you can learn how to fish then you’ll have an endless supply of seafood that you can catch in the ocean. As for drinking water, you can use the leaves of plants to help catch rainwater when it falls down from the sky. The characters in these movies finally make it off the island by voyaging away from it and eventually getting rescued.
Survival movies give audiences a glimpse into what it takes to survive on your own in nature without any modern conveniences. Most of these movies have happy endings, while some of them do not. In real life, survival takes persistence and never giving up. That’s what the characters in these movies demonstrate.
PCU Level VI (6) Gore-Tex, Wet Weather Jacket, (Patagonia Torrentshell Jacket)

PCU Level VI (6) Gore-Tex, Wet Weather Jacket, (Patagonia Torrentshell Jacket)

Anyone who is an avid outdoorsman will want to own the Patagonia Torrentshell jacket. Since being outside makes you susceptible to harsh weather conditions, you’ll need a durable jacket like this that is comfortable to wear and that will be able to keep your body protected underneath. You never know when you’ll be faced with rainstorms, snowstorms or even heavy winds that blow all kinds of tiny particles of debris at you. In order to protect yourself, you need a jacket that is strong enough to shield you from these elements of nature. That is what makes the Torrentshell jacket such a treasure to own.
The Torrentshell contains a 2.5-layer shell of nylon called “H2No Performance Standard,” which is material that is windproof, waterproof and is very easy to pack in a bag if you are going camping or hiking. The fabric is even coated with a durable water repellent finish to give you extra protection against rain. Once you get out of the rain, the jacket will dry a lot faster than ordinary jackets would. This helps ensure the clothes underneath your jacket stays dry as well. The jacket is lightweight and will be very easy to store or pack away in just about anything.

So if there is ever rain or winds coming at you from every direction then the Torrentshell jacket will keep you protected. In fact, you can even cover your face with the jacket and still be able to breathe under it. The collar of the jacket is made to completely surround your neck and a little bit of your lower face. This makes it easy for you to sink your mouth area behind the fabric and protect it from any rain or light debris flying in the air at you. If you are a hunter, biker, hiker, or merely like to jog outside, then this face covering feature will benefit you the most.
When you look at the jacket from the outside it almost resembles a windbreaker, except the Torrentshell material is much stronger. The patented fabrics of this jacket make it very unique and something that no other company is offering. The Patagonia Torrentshell jacket can be purchased at There are a variety of color choices available including hunter green, channel blue, underwater blue, peppergrass green, black, forge grey and electron blue. The price of the jacket is currently $90 and it has gotten mostly positive reviews from former customers who’ve purchased it.
Hygiene preparedness items

Hygiene preparedness items

When disaster strikes you probably won’t be thinking about grabbing your hygiene products off the table or packing them away in a survival kit. All you’ll be thinking about is grabbing your medical kit and maybe some food supplies. But you need to consider your hygiene as well because you likely won’t have access to showers or clean water. All you will have available are the hygiene products that you have stored away in your survival kit.
The basic hygiene products you will need are an underarm deodorant stick, soap, water and a sponge. These products alone will allow you to wash yourself and stay clean during a dirty survival situation. Of course, it won’t be as comfortable to clean yourself with these items as it would be to take a normal shower but it is better than nothing. However, there are more advanced hygiene items that you can pack away that you probably never thought about or didn’t even know existed. For starters, there is something called “shower in a bag” which is a big pouch full of clean water that has a hose with a sprinkler on the end. The sprinkler will create the shower effect and allow you to shower yourself right from the pouch. Of course, you won’t be able to take long showers but you can easily wash yourself quickly if you have the right soap applied to your skin. Try packing either antibacterial soap or oatmeal soap because both of these will be great for your skin and will leave it clean and smooth.
Some other hygiene products you will want to look out for are wet naps, comb, razor, maxi pads, tissue pack, additional water pouches, toothbrush, shaving cream packets, toothpaste and mirror. If you are a man then obviously you will want to be able to shave with a razor and shaving cream. But no matter what gender you are, you’ll need to take care of your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. The rest of the tools are grooming products to keep your hair neat, your hands clean and have the ability to look at yourself in the mirror from time to time. That way you will be able to judge the shape you are in simply by looking at your own face. Not that you’ll care too much about what you look like in a survival situation, but sometimes it can make you feel better when you take care of your looks and hygiene.
Recommended hygiene preparedness items:
Best Flashlights for Prepper

Best Flashlights for Prepper

Lighting is an essential thing to have in a survival situation. Most dangerous situations involve darkness of some kind. It could be a power outage from storm or a car breakdown at night with no street lights around. Without some kind of light source to find your way through the dark, you will either have to stay where you are or take the chance of walking in the dark and likely walk into objects while you are doing it. But when you have a light source available you can navigate faster and easier throughout dark areas without any worries.
The most popular light source is from a flashlight. You can purchase a flashlight at almost any retail store that sells hardware or household goods. If you are purchasing a flashlight for survival then make sure you purchase a lot of extra batteries as well. Most handheld flashlights take CR123, AA, AAA or D batteries, so you will want to stock up on those. Now when you go to choose a flashlight, try to pick one that is energy efficient. There are now LED flashlights that don’t drain battery power as fast as the yellow bulb lights. Not only that, but the light shines brighter as well. This would be very resourceful to have in an emergency situation where your lighting supplies are limited. Now if you want a smaller flashlight then you can find them in all different sizes and store that away as well. However, it is good to have at least one big flashlight that emits enough lumens to see clearly in front of you. If you just have a pocket flashlight that emits a tiny amount of light then it won’t do you much good at nighttime when you need to navigate your way through unknown terrain.
Best Flashlights for Prepper
LED Lantern for your home or outdoor activities
LED Lanterns are compact and you can have several of them in your emergency kit. They are great and don’t need much energy. You will need them in case of blackout or emergency situation.
They are also great for outdoor activities.
EDC Tactical Flashlight
Tactical flashlight is a must have for Evey Day Carry kit. You will need it when you least expect that. That is why you always need to have compact, reliable and powerful flashlight. They are available at different prices from many manufacturers.
Car Flashlight
You need to have at least one flashlight in your car. It will help you in emergency situation, when car breaks down and in many other situations.
Such flashlights usually have car charger (12V DC) included.
Use your mobile phone as flashlight
In addition to regular lighting, you should download a flashlight app onto your Smartphone and keep a solar powered charger around for the phone. That way if you are ever without normal access to electricity you can use the solar powered charger to recharge the battery of your Smartphone by exposing it to the rays of the sun. Then with the flashlight app installed on your phone, you can use that as a source of light because it will utilize the light source built into your phone’s camera by making it shine continuously. These lights usually have LED bulbs as well, so you will have energy efficiency and long lasting power. You might also want to have a few spare batteries stored away just in case one battery goes dead. You can never be too careful when preparing for a survival situation that involves your light source.
Skills you will need when shit hits the fan

Skills you will need when shit hits the fan

When times get tough you won’t have too many things you can depend on except for your survival skills. These are survival skills that will keep you alive without needing anybody else. The most important survival skill is to be a good planner and organizer. Perhaps there is bad weather or some kind of terrorist invasion and you need to leave your neighborhood right away. Where are you going to go? Make sure you have a plan as to where you are going to go or else you will just be driving around aimlessly going nowhere. You can’t give in to your fear or panic in a tough situation either. You need to be able to have a plan and follow through with it once the shit hits the fan.
Another skill that will come in handy is being able to live meagerly. This means getting used to eating food out of cans and drinking water out of bottles. It means adapting to sleeping in the back seat of your car every night and possibly getting used to being alone or isolated for days or even weeks. If you are the type of person that gets lonely fast and needs three square meals per day then you are going to have a tough time when the shit hits the fan. You need to be able to adapt to these bad situations in order to survive.
Water purification is going to be essential in a shitty situation, especially once your current supply of bottled water has run out. You need to know all of the ways to purify water from another source, such as a lake, river or even rain water. By utilizing this skill, you will be able to supply yourself with unlimited amounts of water. Not only that, but you could possibly barter the water you purify with other people in order to obtain food or other necessities. There are so many ways to make this skill work for you.
Lastly, you will need to have a particular set of skills when it comes to self defense. After all, when the shit hits the fan then it has likely hit the fan for someone else as well. They may be willing to do whatever it takes to sustain their survival, even if it means robbing or trying to kill you in order to obtain your items. So you need to be able to fight these people off whenever they try to attack you. You could do this through martial arts or having a handgun and learning how to shoot it properly.
Low cost steps for preparedness

Low cost steps for preparedness

When it comes to preparedness for an emergency or bad situation then there are low cost steps that you can take in order to ensure your survival. Firstly, you will need to prepare by stocking up on food and water because you won’t be able to survive any situation without them. Some common low cost foods that you can store for a long time include ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese, canned chili, canned vegetables, and peanut butter. Pretty much anything canned will be cheap and easy to preserve for years. As for water, all you need to purchase are water purification tablets. You could purchase bottled water, but that would actually be a waste of money. Just take a bunch of empty bottles that you already have and fill them up with tap water. Store the water along with your canned foods and water purification tablets. When disaster strikes then put the tablets in the water to clean out the germs and bacteria that may be in there.
Next you should go to your local thrift store, like Goodwill, and stock up on cheap clothes. Since you won’t have a vast supply of water, then you won’t be able to wash your dirty clothes. So you need extra clothes to change into in an emergency situation. You should also look for medical kits, duct tape, hand tools or any other necessities as well. If you can’t find any at the thrift store then try shopping on eBay for some of these necessities. After that, you’ll need to focus on how you’ll generate a source of heat. The easiest way to do this is by purchasing an assortment of lighters at your local dollar store. You can usually purchase eight disposable lighters for just a buck or two. Either that, or purchase a box of matches because they are also cheap and will last you a long time. These lighters could help you start fires to keep warm or even cook food in a survival situation.
Finally, you’ll want to invest in a low cost tent. If your situation puts you outside in the wilderness then a tent will help you sleep better at night. It will keep out the bugs and it will also reduce the impact of wind or rain hitting you while you are trying to sleep. You can find cheap $20 tents on or go to a local garage sale because you are bound to find one there.
Read also: Survival and Preparedness Gear, Food, Tools, Kits, Knives (List)
Surviving a wild animal attack

Surviving a wild animal attack

Wild animals exist all over the place. If you live in an area that has woods or forestry then the chances of you encountering a wild animal will greatly increase. Typical North American wild animals that generally attack include bears, mountain lions, wolves and even dogs.
If you do not know how to survive a wild animal attack then it could cost you your life. Hopefully, you are in a position where you can at least scare away the animal or kill the animal with a weapon of your own. What you don’t want to do is try to run away from the animal. This is a common impulse that people have when they are confronted by a wild animal, but it will only result in your demise. The animal has four legs and you only have two, so it will definitely catch up to you if you try to run away. Not only that, it will attack you once it does catch up.
So what you have to do first is not to panic. Animals have a sense when their prey is scared or has fear in their eyes. That is why you cannot even look scared when facing a wild animal. Instead you need to stay static and not move a muscle. Try to avoid staring directly into the animal’s eyes because they will see that as a sign of aggression.
Now if you happen to have a weapon on you, such as a knife or gun, then it will be much easier for you to survive the attack. All you need to do is hold the knife out or point the gun at the animal and wait for it to lunge at you. Then use your weapon to incapacitate the animal. But if you don’t have a weapon, then you will have to get the animal to go away on its own. You can do this by scaring the animal by making it think you are a bigger threat to it then it is to you. The tactic that works best for this depends on the type of animal that is attacking you. If it is a large animal, like a bear or mountain lion, then the best thing to do is stand your ground. This means waving your hands erratically in the air and yelling. The animals will see you as a threat to them and will likely go away. If they don’t then try throwing rocks at it while continuing to yell. As for smaller animals, like wolves or dogs, simply slump your body and head down into sort of a submissive gesture. Again, stay immobile and wait for the animal to leave on its own.
Winter survival when car breaks down far from civilization

Winter can be a dangerous time for drivers because of all the heavy snow conditions that clutter up the road. You have inches of snow and ice that can make it difficult for any driver to drive their car safely. But sometimes you can do everything right as a driver and still encounter a problem, such as your car breaking down in a heavy snow storm. Perhaps you are far from civilization when this happens as well. This means you have no luxury of flagging down someone to help you out or let you use their phone. Instead, you are all alone in this uncomfortable situation and will have to depend on yourself in order to get out of it safely.
In these modern times, it should go without saying that you should always have a cell phone with you at all times. It is the perfect wireless link of communication to the outside world, especially if you are stranded somewhere. Now, of course, you might not get a signal on your cell phone if you are in the middle of a terrible storm while stranded. In this case, wait inside your car until the storm passes. Just because your car breaks down doesn’t mean you can’t stay in your car to keep warm. Plus, you might also have a heater in your car that still works. Remember, when a car breaks down it doesn’t always have to do with the battery. As long as you still have power in the battery, then turn the key and turn on the heat. You should also roll down the window a little bit because the snow may be blocking your tailpipe, which could cause carbon monoxide to build up in your car. Wait until the storm passes and then try your cell phone again because you may get a signal with clearer skies. Call for help and have them come to your location to pick you up.
Now let’s assume you don’t have your phone or you cannot get a signal. You have two choices in this situation. You can either continue to wait for help to arrive or you can journey off on foot towards civilization. Both can be risky choices, so you have to plan carefully. If you are in a location where people don’t normally go or if you know nobody is going to be looking for you, then you mine as well walk on foot. But if you think there is a slight chance that someone could come around and find you then stay in your car until they do.
Nikwax TX Direct Waterproofing Spray Review

Nikwax TX Direct Waterproofing Review

Condor Summit Soft Shell Tactical Jacket was working very good during snow and rain. When I washed it for just 2 times, it lost it’s waterproofing abilities. I don’t say that I was wet, but top layer was wet and cold. New jacket had water repellency and water drops were simply falling off the jacket.
I decided that I need to try to restore it’s water repellency. I have found the Nikwax after a small search. This looks like the best solution to restore waterproof abilities of your clothes.
Instructions and use are very simple. Just wash your clothes using NIKWAX Tech Wash and then apply Nikwax TX Direct Waterproofing Spray.
Here is the result, my jacket is water repellent again.

Highly recommended! Restores water repellency effectively. The only drawback is the vinegar smell of the jacket 🙂