Surviving a wild animal attack

Survive Animal Attack

Surviving a wild animal attack

Survive Animal Attack
Survive Animal Attack

Wild animals exist all over the place. If you live in an area that has woods or forestry then the chances of you encountering a wild animal will greatly increase. Typical North American wild animals that generally attack include bears, mountain lions, wolves and even dogs.

If you do not know how to survive a wild animal attack then it could cost you your life. Hopefully, you are in a position where you can at least scare away the animal or kill the animal with a weapon of your own. What you don’t want to do is try to run away from the animal. This is a common impulse that people have when they are confronted by a wild animal, but it will only result in your demise. The animal has four legs and you only have two, so it will definitely catch up to you if you try to run away. Not only that, it will attack you once it does catch up.

So what you have to do first is not to panic. Animals have a sense when their prey is scared or has fear in their eyes. That is why you cannot even look scared when facing a wild animal. Instead you need to stay static and not move a muscle. Try to avoid staring directly into the animal’s eyes because they will see that as a sign of aggression.

Now if you happen to have a weapon on you, such as a knife or gun, then it will be much easier for you to survive the attack. All you need to do is hold the knife out or point the gun at the animal and wait for it to lunge at you. Then use your weapon to incapacitate the animal. But if you don’t have a weapon, then you will have to get the animal to go away on its own. You can do this by scaring the animal by making it think you are a bigger threat to it then it is to you. The tactic that works best for this depends on the type of animal that is attacking you. If it is a large animal, like a bear or mountain lion, then the best thing to do is stand your ground. This means waving your hands erratically in the air and yelling. The animals will see you as a threat to them and will likely go away. If they don’t then try throwing rocks at it while continuing to yell. As for smaller animals, like wolves or dogs, simply slump your body and head down into sort of a submissive gesture. Again, stay immobile and wait for the animal to leave on its own.

Finding water in the wild

Finding Water in the Wild

Finding water in the wild

Finding Water in the Wild
Finding Water in the Wild

Many people get stranded in the wild every year. Nobody ever thinks it will happen to them until it does. Everyone from tourists to hikers could find themselves lost in the woods if they go too far away from familiar territory. People in their cars can even end up the same way if they start driving down unmarked dirt roads that they have never been down before and then end up stranded. Whatever the reason may be, it is important that you know how to survive in the wild in case this happens to you.

The most important necessity to have when lost in the wild is water. Someone could survive for an entire month without food, but they could only survive a week without water. But if you are constantly walking around the wild and exerting yourself, then you may only last a few days without water. That is why you need to know how to find drinking water when you are lost in the wild. Now depending on your location, you should be able to find an abundance of water if you know where to look for it. The most common places are lakes, rivers and streams. Just listen for the sound of moving water while in the woods in order to find it. This water should be drinkable, especially if there is a lot of fresh green vegetation surrounding the water. This vegetation means the water is fresh and able to hydrate plants, which means it can also hydrate humans. Plus if you see an animal or bird drinking from the water then that is also a sign of drinkable water.

An alternative to drinkable water on the ground is drinkable rainwater. If you have any spare containers and it starts to rain outside, place the open containers on the ground and let them catch as much rainwater as possible. Do not worry about acid rain or rain that is polluted because you are most likely in a rural area. These kinds of areas don’t have the kind of carbon emissions in the air that big cities have. So the rain will likely be fresh and drinkable after you contain it.

Despite the water being drinkable in the wild, this doesn’t mean it will be totally clean. After all, there are no filters in these waters and there is wildlife all around the walk in the water. So you have to take all of that into consideration. If you have the right tools with you, you could distill the water by boiling it over a burning fire or by using purification tablets. Otherwise, you will need to make the best of it until you find civilization again.