Surviving a wild animal attack

Survive Animal Attack

Surviving a wild animal attack

Survive Animal Attack
Survive Animal Attack

Wild animals exist all over the place. If you live in an area that has woods or forestry then the chances of you encountering a wild animal will greatly increase. Typical North American wild animals that generally attack include bears, mountain lions, wolves and even dogs.

If you do not know how to survive a wild animal attack then it could cost you your life. Hopefully, you are in a position where you can at least scare away the animal or kill the animal with a weapon of your own. What you don’t want to do is try to run away from the animal. This is a common impulse that people have when they are confronted by a wild animal, but it will only result in your demise. The animal has four legs and you only have two, so it will definitely catch up to you if you try to run away. Not only that, it will attack you once it does catch up.

So what you have to do first is not to panic. Animals have a sense when their prey is scared or has fear in their eyes. That is why you cannot even look scared when facing a wild animal. Instead you need to stay static and not move a muscle. Try to avoid staring directly into the animal’s eyes because they will see that as a sign of aggression.

Now if you happen to have a weapon on you, such as a knife or gun, then it will be much easier for you to survive the attack. All you need to do is hold the knife out or point the gun at the animal and wait for it to lunge at you. Then use your weapon to incapacitate the animal. But if you don’t have a weapon, then you will have to get the animal to go away on its own. You can do this by scaring the animal by making it think you are a bigger threat to it then it is to you. The tactic that works best for this depends on the type of animal that is attacking you. If it is a large animal, like a bear or mountain lion, then the best thing to do is stand your ground. This means waving your hands erratically in the air and yelling. The animals will see you as a threat to them and will likely go away. If they don’t then try throwing rocks at it while continuing to yell. As for smaller animals, like wolves or dogs, simply slump your body and head down into sort of a submissive gesture. Again, stay immobile and wait for the animal to leave on its own.

How to survive snake attack

How to survive snake attack

How to survive snake attack

How to survive snake attack
How to survive snake attack

We have all heard the horror stories about people who have been bitten by venomous snakes. Two of the most common venomous snakes in North America are the rattlesnake and coral snake. Some people have been known to die from a snake bite while others end up having their bitten limbs amputated. However, there are also people who have been able to survive a snake attack without dying or losing their limbs. The best way to survive a snake attack flawlessly is to get to the emergency room as soon as possible. Always bring your smartphone with you when you are away from your home, especially if you are taking walks in the park or in the woods. That way you can immediately call 9-1-1 from your smartphone and get help to you right away. If you don’t have your smartphone then quickly find someone nearby who has a phone and ask them to call 9-1-1 for you. It will also help if you can kill the snake that bit you and bring it with you to the hospital. Either that or figure out what type of snake it was that bit you. The more information you can provide to your doctors about the snake, the better chance they will have of creating an anti-venom solution that will save your life.

In extreme situations where you don’t have a smartphone and no one else is around to help, you are going to have to temporarily treat the bite on your own. If you have water available then pour water onto the wound to help reduce the chances of getting an infection. Then you’ll want to take off your shirt or wrap a piece of clothing around the limb that was bit. If you have a bandage then that would be better, but chances are you won’t have one. Anyways, you will need to wrap the clothing about three inches above the spot you were bitten. The idea is to reduce the blood circulation in that area, so the venom won’t circulate further throughout your body. Now comes the tricky part. You need to seek help from the nearest location, but be careful that you don’t exert yourself too much because you want to limit your blood flow as much as possible. Perhaps you could try screaming for help if you think anyone is close enough to hear you. The important thing to remember is stay calm and keep your movements slow and restricted until you can find help.