Homemade mosquito traps

Homemade mosquito traps
Homemade mosquito traps
Homemade mosquito traps

Mosquitos exist virtually everywhere in the world. If you have mosquitos in your home or around the outside of your home, you don’t necessarily have to call an exterminator or purchase some expensive mosquito traps from the home improvement store. Instead, you can create your own home mosquito traps using very simple materials that you probably already have in your home.

The most common homemade mosquito trap involves the use of a 2-liter plastic bottle, 1 gram of yeast, ¼ cup of brown sugar, and 1 cup of water. First, take a knife or scissors and cut the plastic bottle completely in half. Take the brown sugar and mix it in a bowl of hot water. Let the mixture cool off for a few minutes. When it becomes cold, place all the mixture into the bottle’s bottom half that you cut off and then add yeast to it. You don’t have to mix the yeast, though. This is just used to attract mosquitos to the trap. Next, take the upper half of the bottle and place the funnel inside of it, then flip the upper half upside down. Tape the funnel to the bottle to secure it better. With the open lid facing down, place the upper half of the bottle into the bottom half. Finally, place black tape around the bottle to further attract mosquitos to it and place the trap in an area where you want to trap them. Once the mosquitoes get inside the trap, they won’t be able to get out. Make sure to use extra masking tape to seal the cracks off and prevent them from escaping.

The plastic bottle method is a very popular homemade mosquito method. Normally, you would just place the bottle on the ground and let the mosquitoes fly into them. However, you can modify the original method and create a hanging mosquito trap as well. This is useful for people who live in upper floor apartment buildings or who have mosquito problems high up from the ground. All you have to do is cut a hole on each side of the bottom half of the plastic bottle. Make sure the holes are closer to the upper edge, preferably underneath the tape. Then place one end of a 3-4-foot cord into the hole and tie it off. Do the same thing with the other end of the cord on the other hole. Now hang the middle of the cord onto a hook or mount that you have. Alternatively, you can tape the cord to the bottle rather than cut holes.

Dealing with insects, mosquitoes and their bites

Dealing with insects and their bites

Dealing with insects, mosquitoes and their bites

Dealing with insects and their bites
Dealing with insects and their bites

If you spend a lot of time outdoors then insect bites are inevitable. You could be bitten by mosquitoes, ticks, ants, and even spiders. Most insect bites are not poisonous or harmful, but they can still leave red sores on your skin. These sores will often cause inflammation, which creates redness and swollen skin. The best way to deal with insects is to take preventative action against insect bites. That way you won’t have to deal with it in the first place. So if you plan to go outside or in an area where there might be a lot of bugs, put some insect repellant lotion on your skin and clothes. You can purchase a bottle of Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect Repellent on Amazon for less than $10. It will keep away annoying mosquitoes and other nasty bugs.

For those of you who have been bitten by insects, the first thing to remember is not to panic. Unless you were bitten by a black widow spider or some other kind of poisonous insect, you have nothing to worry about. Just apply an ice pack to the bite and leave it there for at least 15 minutes. Do this once per hour for up to six hours. Make sure you put a cloth between the ice pack and your skin. Next, try some nonprescription medicine to treat the bite area. This will help reduce the symptoms of redness, swelling and itching that you may be experiencing from the bite. Some great over-the-counter medication includes antihistamine, anesthetic spray and hydrocortisone cream. An antihistamine, like Benadryl, can give you some relief from the swelling, redness and itching. If you use an anesthetic that contains benzocaine, spray it on the bite mark to reduce any painful symptoms. As for the hydrocortisone, apply the cream to the bite mark of the skin to relieve the redness and itching. Apply these medicines once per day for the next couple of days. You should notice the redness, swelling and itching gradually clearing up. If they are not clearing up or if your skin looks worse, go to the doctor or dermatologist and have them examine the bite mark right away.

Never ever pick at a bite mark with your fingers or try to puncture the swollen area to release pus. Bites are not the same as pimples or acne, even though it is not recommended to pick those either. Bites are worse because they contain toxins that can increase your risk of infection if they are tampered with and then exposed to air.