What is EDC (everyday carry) Bag?

EDC Bags, or everyday carry bags, are special bags that contain small items for emergency situations. These items could be clothing, canned food, Swiss army knife, shoes and so on. There are no set requirements for what you are supposed to put in these bags. It is really up to the owner of the bag to fill it with whatever items they deem necessary for their survival. The EDC bag has small little pouches inside of it to hold these smaller items. In the middle of the bag are straps that wrap around bigger objects like knives, screw drivers, cans, and even firearms in some cases.
EDC bags come in my sizes and styles. The bag that you choose will depend on what kind of emergency you are planning to survive in. For example, if you live in Kansas and you are worried about a tornado destroying your home, then you might want to purchase the EDC lumbar bag. This bag clings around your waist and can hold a first aid kit, handgun, knife, rations, rain gear and Smartphone. In natural disaster type settings, chances are you won’t want to stick around very long. The EDC lumbar bag is perfect for those who want to travel on foot and need to carry around survival supplies with them. Since natural disasters will likely affect you in a populated area, then you won’t have to go far to get help. Therefore you won’t need a big EDC bag. The lumbar bag can hold just enough supplies to where you can walk to the next town and get help in your time of need.
When you are going into the woods or far away from civilization then you will want to bring an EDC backpack. This is a lot bigger than the lumbar bag, which means you can carry more items in it. There is plenty of room for hydration pouches, clothes, hatchet, full medical kit and at least 10 liters of food. So if you are planning to go on a camping trip, then be sure to use the EDC backpack. You can purchase them on Amazon or a number of other outdoorsmen sports websites. The price ranges slightly vary based on the size and shape of the bag. The smaller lumbar bags should cost you about $50 and the bigger military style backpacks range from $100 to $400. People who consistently put themselves in situations where they need to survive on their own should purchase the more expensive one. Otherwise, just stick with the lumbar pack.